Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My very first blog

My dad received a suggestion over the past couple of days that he begin a blog so that people can keep up with my new pictures and the big events that happen as I grow up. He and I talked about in length last night and I told him that he should just stick to the stuff that he knows about and let me do the talking for myself. Afterall, I'm quite the authority on all things "me."

So I'm going to take this opportunity to say hello world. My name is Drew, I'm 24" tall, I last weighed in a 12.5 lbs and I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy the martial arts and am working on my own Judo style offshoot of striking and deflecting, which I have called Drewdo. It is particularly effective in fending off pacifier attacks, diaper changes, and the dreaded coup de' grace technique of Buddha's Burp. My Uncle Bop has been teaching me Mui Thai and Brazilian Ju Jitsu. Daddy is still hunting for boxing gloves with an Everlast logo, but so far is having no luck. I'm sure that I will also enjoy long walks on the beach, once I learn how to walk.

That's all for now. Please check back anytime to see what I'm up to.

Love to all,

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