Friday, August 22, 2008


Hi Everyone. It's been a while since I've blogged and I had completely forgot about my social responsibility of letting everyone know how I'm doing! Well I'm doing just great. I'm getting all big and strong and very excited about all the new things that I can do. I've figured out how to pull my self up on to stuff that Mommy doesn't want me to touch. I've also figured out that if I bug Daddy enough, he'll hold my arms and let me bounce like a basketball until I either puke up my dinner or else his deltoids start cramping. To the right you'll find a beautiful picture of daddy's finger. If you look closely, you can see Uncle Bop whispering brainwash into my ears. I'm also showing Daddy exactly what I think of the peas/carrots/rice cereal concoction that they expect me to eat. Nasty...and I don't mean sick nasty, I mean just plain old nasty.

Monday, May 5, 2008

YouTube, my new favorite past time

Sorry for the long delay since I last blogged. As you can see here, I've been spending my last few weeks watching YouTube. It's amazing! I could just sit here for hours watching it, and frankly, I forget that I'm doing my tummy time. Truth be told, I think I'm developing a liking for Mickey Mouse. I just cannot get that song out of my head.

One of these days I'm going to make my own video on YouTube. I got to see my cousin Caroline on it just a couple days ago. Check her out, she's already standing and talking.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Behold! Iron Fist Banks!

This week has been eventful. I have been spending my time training for combat, and honing my body into a deadly weapon. I have been doing crunches to work on my core strength, and I have been taking advantage of Tummy Time to work on my lats, traps, lower back, and of course, the suboccipital triangle. Perhaps it's time to think about hiring a trainer to further my results?

This picture is one that Daddy took of me as I stated my usual chant of "POW! Right in the kissa!"

I have been on the road a bit as well. I ate at a Foster's Grill to see just what Uncle Dave and Aunt Cathy are getting into. I didn't see any Enfamil on the menu though, so I kind of just skipped lunch and watched everyone else eat. I also got to spend some time at George H.W. Bush's favorite chinese restaurant. Again, no Enfamil on the menu. What's with that?

Grandma went downtown yesterday to go see the Pope on his whirlwind tour of the United States. He's here in DC for a few days. Here is a picture that she took of him in the world famous Pope-Mobile.
The Pope was excited to be here in America. When he got off the plane, he got to ride in most plush and comfortable limousine that the he had ever been in. He told the driver how much he loved it, and the driver said "You think it's nice back here, you should try driving it. It rides like a dream!" So the Pope thought for a minute and said "you know, I would love to take it for a spin". The limo driver pulled over and he and the Pope switched places. The pontiff was so impressed with the limo's pick-up that he gunned it just to see how fast it could go. Well, the Pope didn't realize that he went right through a speed trap. The cops pulled him over. The cop approached the limo, looked in the driver's window and saw the Pope. He walked back to his car and got on the radio back to headquarters. He radioed in and asked the protocol for pulling over very important people. The radio operator asked "Who is it? A senator? A celebrity? The president?" The cop radioed back and said "Lets just put it this way: I dunno who's in the limo, but the Pope is his chauffeur!"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I had the best week ever!

Granted I only have about 11 of them to compare to, but I just had the best week ever. Now at this point you ask, "why did you have the best week ever?" Well I'll tell you true my friends.

Last Thursday I got to see Bella again. It was another chaperoned visit, but until I learn to drive that car I guess I have no choice. How do parents drive those cars sitting backwards anyways? She and I had a good time, but she's off to Argentina for a while. I'll sneak in a call when I can though. Over the weekend I got to spend some time with Ngoai and Uncle Bop, although I mostly just slept. I got to show off how good I'm getting at smiling. Ngoai cracks me up with her Vietnamese Baby Babble.

I have mastered a new self defense technique in the ever evolving discipline of Drew-Jitsu. This new technique involves no striking, works at distance, and fends off the dreaded diaper change technique. The timing is critical. You must anticipate your foe's every move. Once your enemy has finished removing the pee guard, but before he fastens a new diaper, both of his hands will be occupied. His concentration will be on removing the diaper's micro-velcro strips from your clothes and attaching them properly on the diaper. It is at this very instant that you have your foe off-guard. He will not be expecting you to execute the "Soaking Fountain Attack". I practiced twice with Daddy last week and I assure you that my timing is becoming deadly.

What else? Lets see, I went to Macaroni Grill last night with Uncle Bop. Mommy and Daddy both got sick afterwards. They blamed it on the white sauce. I too had some sort of white sauce, but I felt fine afterwards. Mommy took me out to some new places too, and we've had a few walks in the nice weather.

Tonight mommy's friends are coming over to play tennis. I'm hoping that I can sub in for a set or two. Otherwise I bet I'll be stuck with Daddy. Last time he looked after me alone, I started crying. I cried, and cried, and cried, and cried. Finally he got so worried that he took me over the doctors. The doctor looked me over, and opened my diaper and said "Here's the problem, this diaper is full". Daddy looked at the doctor and the diaper, and said to the doctor "Are you sure? The box says this diaper is good up to 12 lbs."

BFN! -Drew

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mi novia es muy bonita!

Last Thursday I met up with my new girlfriend, Isabella. She's a spicy half argentine mamacita who really makes me smile. My mommy took me over to her house, so even though it was a chaperoned date, we still hit it off. She's younger than me. I normally don't date younger women but her maturity more than makes up for the 9 day difference in age. She's got a wisdom that you don't normally see in a 8 week old. We hit it off pretty well, although I ran into a little initial resistance before she finally succumbed to my charms. We've already got a hot date set up again for this Thursday. Yea, that's how I roll.

This is a shout out to Jon and all the visitors of for awarding me the handsomest Brian Johnson impersonator award. My voice might not be as coarse, but I bet I can rival him in decibels! I've already made a fair share of eardrums bleed.

Over the weekend, I discovered that my left fist tastes pretty darn good. One of these days I'm going to have a blind taste test competition with both the right and left fists, but in the meantime, I just can't get enough of my Southpaw Delight. I mean seriously, this thing is awesome. You know when you discover a food that you just want to eat every day until you get sick of it? Well that's my left hand! Those Campbell's kids know what I mean. Mmmmm Mmmmm Goooood!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

High voltage, baby!! High voltage!

Today my daddy taught me all about one of the greatest rock bands of all time...AC/DC. So I got dressed up like Brian Johnson, and daddy tried to find an Angus Young schoolboy outfit, but had no luck. He told me all the stories about how their lead singer died by choking on vomit after a night of drinking. Then he proceeded to go into a big lecture about not knowing if he choked on his own vomit and how you can't dust for vomit. He's strange, but I like my new outfit. Maybe uncle Eric can teach me how to Rock n' Roll.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hey Mister, newspaper?

I know it might be a little early to begin thinking about my career, but I've decided that my first foray into the world of business will be as a paperboy. I've already got my transportation arranged, as you can see in this photo, and my Mommy picked up this nifty hat for me. Daddy says I look like a goombah with this hat, but my fellow paesanos know this is standard issue for paperboys.

Yesterday I got 4 shots; 2 in each thigh. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about it. However, I have been assured that I'm protected against a wide range of diseases that need to face viral extinction.

I had a very nice Easter, but since it was my first one, I wasn't quite sure what it was all about. So I asked my Dad, "What is Easter?"

He replied "Easter is the Christian holiday that coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper and Jesus was later deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. The Romans took him to be crucified and he was stabbed in the side, made to wear a crown of thorns, and was hung on a cross with nails through his hands. He was buried in a nearby cave which was sealed off by a large boulder. Every year the boulder is moved aside so that Jesus can come out... and, if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter."

Dad sure does know his holidays!

My very first blog

My dad received a suggestion over the past couple of days that he begin a blog so that people can keep up with my new pictures and the big events that happen as I grow up. He and I talked about in length last night and I told him that he should just stick to the stuff that he knows about and let me do the talking for myself. Afterall, I'm quite the authority on all things "me."

So I'm going to take this opportunity to say hello world. My name is Drew, I'm 24" tall, I last weighed in a 12.5 lbs and I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy the martial arts and am working on my own Judo style offshoot of striking and deflecting, which I have called Drewdo. It is particularly effective in fending off pacifier attacks, diaper changes, and the dreaded coup de' grace technique of Buddha's Burp. My Uncle Bop has been teaching me Mui Thai and Brazilian Ju Jitsu. Daddy is still hunting for boxing gloves with an Everlast logo, but so far is having no luck. I'm sure that I will also enjoy long walks on the beach, once I learn how to walk.

That's all for now. Please check back anytime to see what I'm up to.

Love to all,